Ummm, nope not that time of the month lol.. time to get another camera..man, my lil' camera has really about had it esp. since the Diva feels the need to play with it, drop it and with ever else her lil heart desires lol. I really think I wanna get my a Canon digi rebel but dang, so much money, but than again it will be worth in in the long run. But speaking of being broke I just dropped like over a 165. or more on this like cute Baby Phat jacket ( and yes, I just had to have it) and yea, it was on sell plaid bomber, oh so cute. I still sport my Wilson' leather trench and man, those coats hold up! but man, their bulky and I want one with a zipper. Sigh...and yea people we are a little broke these days so heat, well its not working or something its blowing cold air, whats up with that? we just put a new motor in it this summer when it wasn't working! but we do have the kerosene heater and you talk about hott!!! Oh well, just pray for me:( So heres my CCC #8 Challenge Have a lovely day:)
Ha i hate that time of the month. It sucks hehehe. 165 bucks!!! Wow! But baby phat thats a good deal but still lol! Love the page super awesome! I want a rebel too but will i ever get it? I doubt it :(
I love your title for the lo. That is a lot of money but if you know you'll get your $'s worth than that is what is important. Good luck on the camera front. Happy Holidays!
I kept wondering what in the heck happened to ya! SO where is the scrapyness to share? I mean no internet u should have some layouts going on right? LOL! Good to have you back sweetie!
I've been waiting for a Canon Rebel from my dh for a while now...and then the other day I sat down and totted up all the gifts I bought him last year and realized I could have bought myself one and still had change left over!!! LOL
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