Yep that makes me happppppy!! And she doesnt feel well today neither do i. Called in yesterday & found out its gonna cost 3600, to fix my stupid truck! AWWW I really dont know what to do:( so today hasn't been a good day for me, but the SISta have been really good at cheering me up the Fab Gigi Kennedy sent me a cool Youtube, which was very funny. So later on, unthough I'm po, when the Diva takes her nap I think I'll order Pizza for the boys and then get down and dirty with some scrappy. Sent I got some yummies in the mail today, so thanks to who eva sent me the awesome , Elsie, and the very cool grunge board and glimmer mist!! So I wanna get my hands dirty with that! And if ya haven't checked out this wks chit chat challenge and ya luv ya some bling likes I do, go head and give it a whirl. Heres mine.
Awww big kiss for the baby sooo cute!!! Like i said before love the colorful bubble wrap and all the bling! Im so sorry ur truck is gonna cost that much to fix! Thats nuts! And at christmas! Ill be praying for ya. We had pizza last night too even tho we shouldnt have lol!
Sorry about your truck. I hate when that happens. Love the hambly and your lo! Sweet little girl. Love the title too!
did you get the truck fixed?
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